Private banker Robert Mench Mésange (right) from Spar Nord’s local branch in Helsingør, who himself plays chess in his spare time together with Chairman and tournament organizer René Fabricius Weichel
New local sponsor
The translation of your text from Danish to English is: “Kronborg Chess Open is excited to announce Spar Nord Bank, Helsingør branch, as a new sponsor for the tournament. The local bank has decided to support Denmark’s largest international chess tournament and Helsingør Chess Club. This year, Helsingør Chess Club is celebrating its 100th anniversary, while Spar Nord is celebrating its 200th anniversary. Therefore, it was a natural decision for the local bank director, Piet Petersen, to support this local event.
Spar Nord is already known among the local associations, which each year benefit from support from the bank. This contributes to promoting community life in Helsingør municipality. Spar Nord is one of the largest banks in the country with 57 branches spread across Denmark.
Robert M. Mesange, private banker at Spar Nord, states:
“It is important for us at Spar Nord to support the local initiatives and associations, as we ourselves are part of this community. It is fantastic to be able to support the passionate people who organize a chess tournament that attracts so many participants. It is interesting that the chess club is celebrating its 100th anniversary in the same year where Spar Nord is celebrating its 200th anniversary. It is a fun coincidence”.
Photo: (private)